AqabaConf Organizing Committee announces the Third edition of AqabaConfInsurance Research Award which will be presented to the top five researches on the subject of: ‘The Third AqabaConf Insurance Research Award’ “Bancassurance: its Impact on Insurance & Financial Inclusion” Insurance Research Assessment Committee

The First Winner

Mr. Kareem Mohamed Awad Elsayed
Section Head- Property Underwriting Department - GIG Insurance – Egypt
Bancassurance: its Impact on Insurance & Financial Inclusion
The Second Winner

Mr. Farid Mohamed Hassan Hegazy
ERM - General Manager Insurance, Financial and Operational Risks Misr Insurance Co. Egypt
Bancassurance It’s Impact on Insurance & Financial Inclusion
The Third Winner

Prof. Dr. Ghazi Abdul Majeed Al Rgaibat
Faculty Member / in Financial and Banking Sciences Al al-Bayt University - Jordan
التَّأمين المصرفي وأثره في الشُّمول التَّأميني والمالي
The Fourth Winner

Dr. Salma Faisal Hassan
United Insurance - Sudan
The Fifth Winner

Mrs. Natalie Hanna Al Shamma’a
Jordan French Insurance Company “JOFICO”
“Bancassurance: its Impact on Insurance & Financial Inclusion”