Step 01: Registration type
Participation Type (Required)
Other (Optional)
(In case of registering four participants from the same company/organization, the fourth participant will be free of registration fees)
Step 02: Personal Information
Participant name:
First Name *
Middle Name
Last Name *
Spouse name:
First Name *
Middle Name
Last Name *
Nationality *
Participant info:
Company Logo

Alphabetic characters and numbers only

Position *
Nationality *
Mobile *
WhatsApp Number *
Email *
Participant Picture

Alphabetic characters and numbers only

Participant Passport Picture *

Alphabetic characters and numbers only

Participant Application Form for Entry Visa to Jordan

Alphabetic characters and numbers only

Spouse Passport Picture *

Alphabetic characters and numbers only

Spouse Application Form for Entry Visa to Jordan

Alphabetic characters and numbers only

Step 03: Accommodation
Hotel Category
Hotel Name
Room Category
Room Type
Partner Profile ID *
Partner Name *
Room Rate
Check in
Check Out
Hotel Category
Hotel Name
Room Category
Room Type
Partner Profile ID *
Partner Name *
Room Rate
Check in
Check Out
Hotel Category
Hotel Name
Room Category
Room Type
Partner Profile ID *
Partner Name *
Room Rate
Check in
Check Out
Disclaimer: Jordan Insurance Federation will provide a shuttle service for picking up/dropping off the participants from the designated hotels only.
Step 04: Final Destination Airport pick up
Step 05: Transportation to/ from Aqaba
Special Request: (such as allergy, smoking rooms, twin beds … etc)